Monday, October 17, 2011

Tips on How to Write a Good Song

One can just write a song but have a hard time making it a good song. More and more aspiring songwriters and musicians take the time to understand the techniques in writing songs. There are online songwriting lessons and courses which they can take. They can also learn from the masters.

Whichever way they choose, there is a secret to writing a good song anyway. This is to figure stuff out by themselves. There may be a gazillion songwriting guide available today but the best way to come up with a composition is to look into one's own experiences and use the people around him or her as inspirations.

Songs By Justin

It also helps to write a lot. Most songwriters have a pen and a piece of paper near them all the time. Inspiration to a song can just happen any minute. It could be something they saw or someone said to them. It is very important to take notes and use that to compose a verse or lyric. Those who start writing the melody tend to remember a distinct sound from their daily lives and then turn this into a more harmonious tune that could be a background to a song. The natural songwriters, on the other hand, constantly hear music in their brain. That is why they always come up with one song after another and another.

If you want to venture into songwriting, you also have to think of your listeners. What will interest them? You may write a lot of songs but if it will only serve you, then what's the point? If your intention is to share your music and your lyrics with your listeners, then you would also have to think of what they want to hear. Think of a theme. It can be love or friendship or family. Now this is what you call the universal theme. If your song has a universal theme, or something that a lot of people can relate to, then you are a step closer to writing a good song.

Finally, never give up. It is normal to come up with an utter nonsense composition but sometimes these songs can be really good. If you're lucky, these songs can even be hits. If you think that a lot of techniques on songwriting are lacking in a song that you composed, then you will know what to do on your next composition.

You may also experience that a song you wrote may be good one moment then completely useless the next. This is part of the process and it is something you just have to enjoy. Don't pressure yourself too much. Don't be too lax either. Always relax but remember, the more you write, the better you will become at songwriting.

Tips on How to Write a Good Song

To learn some more tips on songwriting you can get some free tips at my site.


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