Tuesday, January 10, 2012

3 Tips for Meeting Younger Girls on Online Dating Sites

3 Tips for Meeting Younger Girls on Online Dating Sites

Meeting women online is the goal of all men who join up with online dating sites. Except, of course, for dating sites that cater to gay men. Some guys are okay with meeting women online in their own age bracket, while others have a thing for girls younger than them, or authentically for cougars who like younger men.

Let's assume you are an older man finding to hook up with a younger woman. And although we won't specify any single age differences (as the inherent combinations are wide and varied), let's just say the age gap in the middle of you and the women you are finding to meet on dating sites is principal (10+ years).

Tip No. 1 for meeting younger girls online is - don't try and be cool and hip. Older guys pretending to be young when their whole image and persona is something else just come over as phoney. If you are an old dude who in reality rocks out to Barry Manilowe or Elvis, any attempts you make to be a Justin Bieber fan will be detected as baloney by even the blondest of blonds.

In other words, be yourself and act your age. You will not only earn more respect and props for being honest and open, younger girls sometimes are authentically attracted to older men living in their own personal time warps. Indeed, look at the popularity of some of the contemporary singers, for example Adelle, who tend to achieve music that harks back to a former age. All of the techno stuff leaves them cold. And gentlemen, there are fullness of "retro" chicks out there on Internet dating sites with profiles attesting to their love of yesteryear. If you are stuck in the '60s but want to meet a younger girl born in the '80s or '90s, pay extra attentiveness to their likes and dislikes on their dating profiles. If you stick to the bigger Internet dating services, there will be so many younger women seeking mature guys like you, that you will be amazed.

Tip No. 2 for meeting younger women on dating sites is to make an exertion to look good. Okay, she wants to meet older men, but that doesn't mean she wants a man that looks old. Younger girls are fit and healthy, and they want you to be able to keep up with them physically. Of course, there are the exceptions (Bbws, geeks and nerdy girls who are forever in the library), but odds are you as an older guy are finding for a young female companion exactly because she exudes that energy of youth. You, in turn, must make every exertion to look your best and be as fit as you perhaps can, age allowing. Pick up some dumbbells, and get toned. You don't have to be rippling with a six-pack, but get rid of any extra flabbiness and your success rate will assuredly increase.

Tip No. 3 for older guys finding to hook up with a younger girl online is to avoid mentioning anyone about your financial situation - at least at the beginning. You want to make sure any inherent internet partners you might meet are not interested in you just for the money. Okay, for some desperate guys, this may seem like an definite ploy. Hang the money carrot, and watch the bites! Only question is, you may have a gorgeous young chick hanging off your arm for a puny while, but in the meantime your bank list is dwindling and before you know it she is out of your life. If you are going to use your financial and material resources as assets to attract younger women, just make sure you have some safeguards in place. Otherwise, it could all end in tears and even bankruptcy.

3 Tips for Meeting Younger Girls on Online Dating Sites Related articles: Spring Valley Vitamins , ทำseo


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